About Me

Hi, I'm Julie. 

I bake things. Usually, they are delicious. I've been getting enough requests for my recipes that I figured I'd blog them here and share with the world. I promise only to blog the delicious ones, not the ones that turn out gross or kinda meh. Or, if I do post the gnarly ones, I will always warn you that they came out kinda gross or meh. A lot of my recipes are ones I've taken from other places on the internet. In those cases, I'll link you to the recipe, show you what I did, and offer my opinions. If you are a fellow baked-goods-enthusiasts and would like to do the same with one of my recipes, all I ask is that you link back and give credit where credit is due.

For the record, I'm not a professional baker. I have no training other than 'do what mom did'. If you know my mom, you'll know that's reasonably decent training, however, I'm far from a master chef. If you are looking for something approved by masters, please use the google to find yourself another blog. What I can promise is that everything I put on this blog is tested and/or developed by me and, when I did it, it came out all kinds of good.

In my real life, when I'm not playing a chef on the internets, I work in education and I sew/craft things. If you feel so inclined, check out my etsy shop and shop blog!